Friday, March 23, 2012

Tape No108 - Little Black Egg

updated with two extra tracks

01 - The Kommotions (1965 US)
02 - The Music Explosion (1966 US)
03 - The Next Five (1967 US)
04 - Brunnerdale Concert Choi (1966? US)
05 - The Conchords (196? US)
06 - The Bourbons (196? US)
07 - The Nightcrawlers (1965 US)
 08 - The Dynamic Distortions (1967 US)

01 - The Fifth Order (1967 US)
02 - The Forgotten Tymes (1967 US)
03 - The Fourth Amendment (1968 US)
04 - The Marquis (1966 US)
05 - Tone Benders (1967 US)
06 - The Neighb'rhood Children (1968 US)
07 - The Creations - Little Black Egg (1966 US)
08 - Peter's Progeny - Little Black Egg (1967 US)

(Little Black Egg was originally recorded by The Nightcrawlers in 1965)

The Fourth Amendment - Little Black Egg

(see credits at the mp3 tag for tracks A4, A5)

192kbps (updated with two new tracks)


jose kortozirkuito said...

We are synchronized with the post!
I presented the Nightcrawlers cd, and you, "Little Black Egg" covers.
It's a great song, I'm waiting to listen the GT 108.
Greetings of your friend.

M GR said...

@ Jose.
Yes indeed.
Greetings to you too...

M GR said...

garage tapes blogspot

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your efforts. really they are appreciated. Ricky