Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tape No101 - And Her Name Is G-L-O-R-I-A (Part V)

01 - Back Page - Gloria (1967 US)
02 - Buffalo Group - Gloria (196? US)
03 - Novel & The Rhythmn Boys - Dusta (196? ID)
04 - Eremiti - Gloria (196? IT)
05 - Graeme Allwright - Akou (1966 FR)
06 - Los Picapiedras - Gloria (1966 CL)
07 - Los Temerarios - Gloria (1966 MX)
08 - Roving Flames - Gloria (1965 US)
09 - MC5 - Gloria (live) (1972 US)

01 - Gerhard Dlugi - Gloria (196? DE)
02 - The Beatniks - Gloria (1968 BR)
03 - The Feminine Complex - Leslie (196? US)
04 - The Horde - Gloria (1967 US)
05 - The Red Devils - Gloria (live) (1965 CH)
06 - The Sinners - Gloria (live) (1965 US)
07 - The Spectres - Gloria (BBC Session) (1966 UK)
08 - Cuby & The Blizzards (feat. Van Morrison) - Gloria (live) (1967 NL)
09 - The Masters Apprentices - Gloria (1966 AU)

The Horde - Gloria
The Beatniks - Gloria

The Feminine Complex -  Leslie

(see credits at the mp3 tag for tracks: A8, B4)



Aris Prodromos said...

101 !!!!
syndyase to me ena party

Anonymous said...

hello, this is my story. my girlfriend Kathy and I were in good ole' San Francisco in 1981 walking the streets of North Beach area. Just walking and kissing if you know what i mean. We pass by a cafe and there sitting by the window is the man. He is sitting having lunch by himself on Grant Avenue. I said to my baby "hey that's Van Morrison!!" can you believe it? I said i have got to meet him. He has written my favorite song (among countless others). So we waited for him from across the street for about 20 minutes. Then he came out. My blonde baby and I ran across the street and I shouted "Hey Van!!" He stopped and looked at me and i stuttered you are a true legend. I gushed about how i had all his records and what an inspiration blah blah blah. He appeared very touched. Almost humble and quiet. I shook his hand and thanked him for all the music. He said he was in town to buy some records and headed for the used record store there on Grant Ave. I couldn't believe it . I'd met my idol. Incredible and true. What a nice guy Van is. Pablo

M GR said...

@ Martialis
καλη η ιδεα για το παρτι...

Anonymous said...


M GR said...

ha.. good one..
post will be ready to go in a couple of days///

M GR said...

garage tapes blogspot

Anonymous said...

Hey the post looks good. The trouble is that Oron keeps saying you have to wait 3 hours to download it! Whats that about?

M GR said...

@ Anonymous:
Have no idea. Only know about the 60sec waiting.
I guess I have to search for alternatives file sharing sites.

Zoran said...

Would you be kind enough to set
a new address for the download, the old has expired.
