Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tape No75 - The Surrealist Waltz

01 - Park Avenue Playground - The Trip (1967 US)
02 - Sea Dogs - I'll Be There (196? US)
03 - Hush - Giny (1971 AT)
04 - I Fantom's - Le Insegne Pubblicitarie (1966 IT)
05 - Les Goths - Turn Over (1968 FR)
06 - Morgen - Of Dreams (1969 US)
07 - Dragonfly - Celestial Empire (1968 NL)
08 - Bent Wind - Touch Of Red  (1969 CA)

01 - Brood of Vipers - Psychedelic Web (1970 IN)
02 - The Fringe - Plastic People (1968 CA)
03 - The Golden Cups - Happening At 3 o'clock am (1967 JP)
04 - The Gurus - It Just Won't Be That Way (1967 US)
05 - Mother Sunday - Midnight Graveyard (1971 SE)
06 - Geranium Pond - Marshmallow Man #2 (1968 UK)
07 - Pearls Before Swine - The Surrealist Waltz (1967 US)
08 - Quill - Yellow Butterfly (1970 US)

                          (detail from  60's poster)

Park Avenue Playground - The Trip
Pearls Before Swine - The Surrealist Waltz



M GR said...

garage tapes blogspot

Anonymous said...

seems all of the links are dead

M GR said...

//new link//

Anonymous said...


(link for #75 is dead again, sorry to bother you, if reup is possible?)

I'm getting all your tapes so far!

tnx so much

M GR said...

once again new link///

Anonymous said...

super thanks! I got it, so happy