Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tape No64 - And Her Name Is G-L-O-R-I-A (Part III)

More covers of "Gloria"

A - Side
01 - Jay Dee & The Chasers - Gloria (1965 US)
02 - Los Monstruos - Gloria (196? MX)
03 - Los No - Gloria (1966 ES)
04 - Los Walkers - Gloria (1966 AR)
05 - The Fingers - Gloria (1968 JP)
06 - The Hairy Ones - Gloria (1965 UK)
07 - The Other Half - Gloria (1966 US)
08 - The Outcasts - Gloria (1966 US)

B - Side
01 - Yol Aularong - Brokenhearted Bachelor (19? KH)
02 - The Shadows Of Knight - Gloria (1966 US)
03 - The Spektors - Gloria (1965 AU)
04 - The Squires - Gloria (1966 US)
05 - The Tracers - Gloria (1965 US)
06 - The Wheels - Gloria (1965 IE)
07 - The Boys - Gloria (196? US)
08 - Aftermath - Gloria (1966 US)

192kbps (re-up)

Yol Aularong - Brokenhearted Bachelor
Los No - Gloria


M GR said...

garage tapes blogspot

Anonymous said...

With the pass: garage tapes blogspot can not be opened even one rar file.

M GR said...

the password is:

garage tapes blogspot

try to type it and not copy paste it///

be sure that "caps lock" is off/////////

Zoran said...

Would you be kind enough to set
a new address for the download, the old has expired.
